Dear Friend,
I hope this continues to find you well and safe in your part of the world.
Today I’m writing about this year’s open studio event.
I’m excited to be opening the studio up this year with two friends and artist’s Fiona and Rachel Thomas. It’s the first time I’ve held a group exhibition in the studio, I felt that it was time for something different and I’m thrilled they both said yes! We’ve collaborated for many years, making artist’s books together, sending mail art, going on artist’s dates and generally inspiring each other like friends do. It has felt really good to be working towards this event this year, especially as it could have easily been cancelled all together.
We’re open throughout the bank holiday weekend Saturday 29th – Monday 31st August, and during the week Thursday 3rd September to Sunday 6th 11am to 5pm in half hour appointments.

Safety is at the forefront of our minds as we open my home studio. I wish to limit the risk to myself and my fellow artists as well as the wonderful visitors who return each year, therefore we are asking you to book a half hour appointment. Please do give me call or text my mobile number 0788 303 4851 to book or get in touch via email if that suits you better.
We’re following government guidelines set for retail outlets and we’ll ask you to wear a mask during your visit. We’ll be providing hand sanitizer, the studio will have clearly marked out space to make sure you have a comfortable time and we do ask that no more than two people come during one half hour slot. I’ve even planned for bad weather and have waiting space inside the building should we need it.
Writing this email to you feels very alien and although people speak of a “new normal” we hope by employing these measures it will mean that we all stay safer, can still have a great cultural and artistic experience and a more relaxed studio visit with tea, coffee and biscuits can return next year!

I’m hoping to get some top tips from Rachel on making videos and Instagram stories during the week so please do follow me on that social media platform as I hope to give those of you who aren’t able to travel a virtual taste of the space and work during the exhibition. It’s going to look very different from my usual set up, Fiona is the queen of Installation work and Rachel’s Collage pieces are so gentle and thoughtful in their creation they are not to be missed.
My art practice outside of workshops and commissions has been focused on a single piece of hand and machine stitched cloth. About four foot square it’s certainly (outside quilts i’ve made) my most ambitious appliqué project to date. I was hoping to have the top completed by next week but it’s still a work in progress. I’m ok with that, sometimes things done well take longer than expected. I’m going to share some of the process of this piece, its’ pattern and its’ inspiration with you during the week.

If you’d like to visit us we’d dearly like to see you. Please ring to book an appointment to avoid disappointment and do if you find yourself in Redruth during the week and you have the time, give us a call, we might be free!
Much love and happy sewing
Cat x